Monday, August 24, 2009

Bryce Canyon 2009

Our next stop on our camping trip was Utah. We camped outside a little place called Duck Creek. It was great because it was just a short distance to two National Parks. One of those parks was Bryce Canyon. I had never been there, so it was a new experience for me as well as the rest of my little family.

The formations were amazing. There were these huge strangely shaped protrusions called Hoodoos. They started out as solid formations and then over time, the outside soil was washed away by wind and rain. Lots of the earth was rust colored. That's because there is a lot of iron in the soil and when it was exposed to the air and water, it rusted! Pretty cool huh?!

We were at the same camp ground as Luc's family and were able to spend part of our day with them at Bryce before separating and seeing our own sites.

We had lots of fun, and, of course, Taryn fell asleep.
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Mechelle said...

fun fun fun

Alisha said...

that doesn't look much like the part of bryce canyon we went to but it sure is beautiful!